« No doubt, Pierre Fontenelle is cut from the same cloth as the greats: those who let nothing stand in their way, and never look down upon others’ talent, background, or musical perspective. Curious, generous, attentive, and brilliant, he shares his music with great detail, joyfully carried away by his passion. » Musiq’3
Prizewinner of numerous competitions (Breughel, Buchet, Baert, Accordé’Opale) and former soloist of
the Royal Opera of Wallonia, belgian-american cellist Pierre Fontenelle (b. 1997) is a rising star of the
Belgian classical music scene, known for his audacious projects and versatile musicality. He has
performed in prestigious venues (Flagey, Chapelle Reine Élisabeth, la Seine Musicale, Taipei National
Concert Hall, Shanghaï Oriental Art Center, Luxembourg Philharmonie...) and has been invited as
soloist by various orchestras (Liège Royal Philharmonic, Brussels Philharmonic Orchestra, Ensemble
Appassionato, Musique Militaire Grand-Ducale, Casco Phil...). After his first “American Album” (Adams
& Copland) with Oxalys, released in April 2024 on Passacaille Records, Pierre releases his first solo
album “Roots”, in January 2025 on Cypres, paying tribute to contemporary American contemporary